

Other goods and products from manufacturer's warehouse * Products from manufacturer's warehouse * HONEYWELL * Hearing protection
HN-1031128 - QP PROTIPS Large


Packing:1/6 opak.
Package:3 kg / opakowanie zbiorcze(42x39x22cm)
Safe: smart hearing: a soldier's tactical advantageImagine the danger created for soldiers who have suffered hearing damage as a result of exposure to weapons fire or an IED explosion: and are unable to hear commands or incoming fire. If their hearing is impaired: they and their platoon are at a higher risk of not clearly hearing communications or incoming enemy fire.The QUIETPRO® QP400 intelligent hearing protection and communication system from Honeywell turns that potential impairment into a tactical weapon. It transforms a soldier's hearing from a point of vulnerability to a tactical advantage.Based on combat-proven technology: QUIETPRO QP400 is the only intelligent hearing protection and communication system that provides smart personal hearing protection: enhancement: and clear communication throughout the full spectrum of training and deployment operations.With QUIETPRO QP400: leaders can feel confident that their soldiers maintain full combat hearing readiness before: during: and after deployment: and have an increased quality of life well after service.Clearest communication and speech intelligibility even in high noise.Connected to tactical radios and other comms platforms: QUIETPRO QP400 allows soldiers to communicate without compromising listening quality: even under high-noise situations. It also enables soldiers to speak at a normal level and be heard without picking up environmental noises or compromising speech intelligibility — especially in covert operations.Always listening: always on.QUIETPRO QP400’s bionic hearing expands soldiers’ personal situational awareness: understanding: and communication by adapting to changing noise and enhancing their hearing by amplifying external sounds. A soldier can detect immediate threats in sensitive operations and at further distances: assess rapidly changing environments and potential threats: and make smarter decisions about actions in combat.Flexible: smart radio communications.On foot patrol: mounted in a vehicle: or in the air: QUIETPRO QP400 provides full jump-on/plug-in transition throughout all mobility platforms. In fact: QUIETPRO QP400 adapts to the widest range of radio and comms platforms: maintaining simultaneous connections to personal and mounted radios: keeping soldiers networked and connected during all stages of their mission.Features & Benefits:

Available product versions:

KTM / VersionColor / SizePacking / PackageEAN
HN-1031128 - QP PROTIPS Large
1/6 opak.
3 kg
opakowanie zbiorcze(42x39x22cm)
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